Driving Export Success: Nationwide Initiative for the PEDP 2023-2028

The Export Development Council (EDC) is preparing for the nationwide launch of stakeholder engagement sessions, a collaborative effort aimed at implementing the Philippine Export Development Plan (PEDP) 2023-2028. These sessions are not just about sharing information, but about fostering a sense of shared responsibility and involvement among stakeholders. They are designed to align efforts and promote government programs, with the active participation of key players in the sector.

The PEDP 2023-2028 is not just a plan, it’s a roadmap to transform the country’s export landscape. It outlines a clear direction and practical approach for driving significant export growth and positioning the Philippines as a producer of high-value products and services by 2028. This plan has the potential to reshape the export industry and open up new opportunities for all stakeholders.

This initiative is being led by EDC in partnership with the Export Marketing Bureau (EMB) of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), and major support from the Philippine Exporters Confederation, Inc. (PHILEXPORT). Further updates and announcements will be shared at the EDC website and Facebook page. AOB

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