The EDC Secretariat serves as the support staff of the Council, ExCom and the Networking Committees in the exercise of their functions. The Secretariat is based in the premises of the Department of Trade and Industry – Trade Promotions Group and is headed by an official designated by the Chairman of the Council. Its personnel comes from the government agencies and private sector represented in the Council.

Ms. Bianca Pearl R. Sykimte
OIC- Executive Director

Ms. Elsa Dela Paz-Valenzuela
Deputy Executive Director

Ms. Paula Louise L. Monilla
Policy Advocacy Officer
Council and Executive Committee
Networking Committee on Legislative Advocacy and Monitoring (NCLAM)

Ms. Piercy Kieth Cezar
Policy Advocacy Officer
Networking Committee on Transport and Logistics (NCTL)
Networking Committee on Agri-Policy (NCAP)

Ms. Andrea Bonifacio
Policy Advocacy Associate
Philippine Export Development Plan (PEDP)

Ms. Aenna Grester P. Masangkay
Policy Advocacy Associate
Networking Committee on Trade Policies and Procedures Simplifications (NCTPPS)

Ms. Keanna Faith O. Salonga
Policy Advocacy Assistant
Networking Committee on Finance (NCF)
Networking Committee and Education and Human Resource Development (NCEHRD)
Ms. Marife G. Largo
Systems Associate
Travel Tax Exemption Officer
Ms. Glenda B. Nillama
Administrative Assistant