Empowering Philippine Exporters: ARISE Plus Project Unlocks EU Markets

The ARISE Plus Philippines project, funded by the European Union and led by the Department of Trade and Industry, is a vital support system for Philippine exporters. Its goal is to boost the country’s international trade performance and competitiveness, particularly in the EU market, while fostering economic integration and inclusive growth.

The project focuses on aiding various types of exporters, including MSMEs, coconut, and game development exporters. It provides them with training in export marketing, quality management, and food safety, along with assistance in accessing EU markets. This includes support for participating in trade fairs and other market linkages, both domestically and overseas.

Exporting to the EU comes with its own set of challenges, such as understanding tariff rates, complying with rules of origin, and navigating market access requirements. Domestically, businesses need to undergo registration processes and obtain necessary permits. The ARISE Plus Project aims to simplify these complexities by offering user-friendly tools and comprehensive guides tailored to EU business requirements.

Key resources include the Quality for Trade Platform, which helps exporters meet EU market standards for agricultural commodities, and an e-curriculum designed to educate MSMEs on cross-border trade. These resources are accessible online and in person, making them available to a wide range of exporters at no cost.

For Philippine exporters seeking to expand into the EU market, the ARISE Plus project is an invaluable resource. By providing practical support and knowledge, it empowers exporters to seize new opportunities and realize their full potential in international trade. To learn more and take advantage of these opportunities, visit https://intracen.my.canva.site/ariseplusphminisite. PLM

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