PH to Launch FTA Portal & Origin Management System with KTNET’s Support

KTNET and INTERCOMMERCE are joining forces to develop an FTA Information Portal and Origin Management System tailored for Philippine exporters.

The overarching aim is to simplify adherence to Rules of Origin, trim operational expenses, and streamline the process for utilization of preferential trade agreements.

The comprehensive scope of the project encompasses the creation of the FTA Information Portal, the Origin Management System (OMS), seamless integration with Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, product evaluation mechanisms, and the issuance of electronic Certificates of Origin (eCO).

Taking the helm of the implementation process, KTNET will collaborate closely with INTERCOMMERCE, a pivotal partner in this venture. And overseeing the local deployment and operation of the system, the Philippine Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) will ensure alignment with national trade policies and objectives.

Endorsed by the Export Development Council (EDC) in 2022, the project secured Official Development Assistance (ODA) funding from Korean government, earmarked for implementation between Fiscal Year 2023 and 2025.

The envisioned benefits for exporters are multifaceted. By consolidating FTA-related information and compliance procedures into a single platform, the project promises to furnish exporters with a user-friendly and comprehensive toolkit. This, in turn, is expected to catalyze growth and innovation within the Philippines’ export sector.

Key milestones are set on the timeline for the project’s rollout. The grand unveiling of the FTA Information Portal is slated to coincide with the National Exporters’ Week in December 2024. Concurrently, the deployment of the OMS, Product Evaluation System, and enhanced eCO system is anticipated to be completed by the third quarter of the same year.

To facilitate seamless implementation and user adoption, a series of collaborative efforts, including meetings and training sessions, are scheduled both within the Philippines and in South Korea. A notable event in this regard was the Study and Training Program held in Korea from March 31 to April 7, 2024. Attended by representatives from various Philippine agencies and organizations, including the EDC, DTI-Export Marketing Bureau (EMB), Information Systems Management Service, Bureau of International Trade Relations, Bureau of Customs – Export Coordination Division (BOC-ECD), Board of Investments (BOI), and the Philippine Exporters Confederation Inc. (PHILEXPORT), as well as Intercommerce, this program served as a conduit for knowledge exchange and capacity-building.

By leveraging insights from South Korea’s advanced systems and best practices in FTA management, the Philippines aims to fortify its trade competitiveness and foster a conducive environment for exporters to thrive. AGPM

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