Innovation expert: Know your customers to produce value-added exports

“Know your customers better to deliver value-added export products. People today are looking for outcomes and experiences much more than products and services”. This is the main statement of Professor Paris de l’Etraz, Chairman of Applied Innovation Institute during his speech in the recent National Export Congress 2017.

He further said that “Innovative compa-nies are not dealing with products. Most of them are dealing with creating relation-ships, engaging and delivering experien-ces to their custom-ers”,

Professor de l’Etraz emphasized that 90% of all successful ideas today are improvements of something that already exists. He added that decision making needs to move from gut feel and instinct to data-driven decisions.

The speaker included the following advice on exports:

1. Move from commodities to “value-added” products, the companies that are exporting the most have done this well.

2. Customers today are moving from buying products to buying experiences and outcomes

3. Think globally as a “Firm” and as a “Country”, and take your story abroad.

4. Train your people to deliver value-added work.

5. Collaborate with your peers to make “Grown in the Philippines” or “Made in the The Philippines” a value-added reference.  –Piercy Kieth Cezar

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